Hello Vaadin fans,
i am trying to find a tutorial to secure our vaadin 8 applications with keycloak as temporary solution until we can migrate to vaadin 24
we have following stack:
- vaadin 8.20 with extended maintenance
- spring boot 2.7.x
- java 17
- keycloak 21.1.2
Since Vaadin 8 is deprecated its kinda hard to find a proper tutorial how to configure the spring boot application to make it work with keycloak.
there are several questions
- which dependencies are required for this setup ?
- how to configure the SecurityConfig
- use a SecurityFilterChain Bean or override the “configure” method?
- how to configure the HttpSecurity class with for vaadin 8.
- how to configure the HttpSecurity class to make it work with keycloak openId
Any suggestions which point to the right direction are appreciated.