Feature parity for Hilla using start.vaadin.com?

Hey everyone :wave:,

It would be nice to have the same functionality when creating a new Hilla project using start.vaadin.com like there is for Flow.

For Flow there are a couple of templates when adding views and at the moment there is only one “Hello World” template for Hilla.

More importantly, there is currently no support to add and modify JPA entities for a Hilla project. It would be great to be able to do this and have these entities downloaded with the generated project, along with their corresponding Spring Data JPA Repository.

As a reference, this is the documentation for Vaadin Start.

Are there any plans to ship this functionality?

Might be a bit out dated, but this repo was used for public ideas in the form of pull requests in the past: GitHub - vaadin/starter-contrib: Make a pull request here for any change you would like to see incorporated in the projects generated by https://start.vaadin.com

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Hi Rene, currently there is no such plan. We moved our effort into Vaadin Copilot - next generation of dev tools (view modifications, ai-empowered) which main scope were Hilla (React) views. I encourage you to check latest 24.4 release and give it a try.

Hi Marcin,
Thank you for your response. I already gave Vaadin Copilot a try and I addressed some wishes for upcoming versions: Call for beta testers: Try Vaadin Copilot Now! (again) - #2 by rbrki07.

Great, I didn’t notice! Copilot evolves all the time, so please give it another try after 24.4 final release :-) Unfortunately you shouldn’t be marked as Vaadiner anymore ;-)