Notification component discarding text

Notification notification = new Notification("Test");
        notification.add(new HorizontalLayout(new Button("sdkfskdf")));;

I do not see the text in the notification, only the button. So, notification component would discard the text if any component added to it ?

I’m not sure, but this may be because String texts are handled in Notifications differently than Components. This is how Notification::setText looks like (in vaadin 14 at least):

public void setText(String text) {
    this.deferredJob = NO_OP;
    this.templateElement.setProperty("innerHTML", HtmlUtils.escape(text));

The given text is defined as ‘innerHTML’ of the notification element. Also important here is that this.removeAll() is called, which removes any previously added child components. This sounds like they are aware that innerHTML texts do not go well with any child components.

So what can you do if you want both text and button?
Instead of passing a String into constructor, wrap the String in a Text or Span component. This will get added as child component like the Button.

Notification notification = new Notification(new Text("test"));
notification.add(new HorizontalLayout(new Button("testButton"))); // maybe even add the text directly into the horizontalLayout?;

Not so easy to find, but there are Javadoc about this:

On Notification(Component... components) constructor

Note: To mix text and child components in a component that also supports child components, use the Text component for the textual parts.

On add(Collection<Component> components) and addComponentAtIndex(int index, Component component) method

NOTE: When mixing this method with Notification(String), Notification(String, int) and Notification(String, int, Notification. Position) method will remove the text content.

So, similar to what @Kaspar4 suggested, wrap the text string into a component, e.g. Text or add a Span

The component API is not wrong as such (everything is working as documented), but this does feel like it’s violating the principle of least surprise.

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