Author: Sami Ekblad

Announcing the Collaboration Kit Challenge winners
Today we are pleased to announce our Collaboration Kit Challenge winners! After careful consideration and evaluation, the jury selected the top three designs based on originality, effort, and design criteria. Each submission demonstrated high skill and creativity, making the selection process ...
Vaadin Add-on Directory gets a new search interface
The new version of the Vaadin Add-on Directory is live! For those using Vaadin and add-ons daily, this is not anything new. It has been in public beta for over six months, and you have likely tried it out already. But if you are new to Vaadin, or haven’t really paid attention to the work of the ...

Vaadin Office Hours - Your live Vaadin FAQ
Have you heard of the Vaadin Office Hours? We have regularly organized live Q&A sessions for all Vaadin users over the past couple of months. These have turned out successful. So far, we have discussed over fifty different topics together with 148 community members. The Vaadin Office Hours is ...
Vaadin Collaboration Kit challenges you to win
I'm happy to announce the Vaadin Collaboration Kit Application Challenge launch, an app design and programming competition. This challenge aims to design and build an application using the Vaadin Collaboration Kit. The application should solve a real-world problem, which could be anything from ...

Vaadin and remote code injection in Log4j
You should have heard about the log4j security issue by now. Vaadin or typical Vaadin applications are not affected by the recent log4j vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046). But we felt that it is important to summarize and reflect what these vulnerabilities may mean for Vaadin ...

Developer Experience at Vaadin
Have you felt frustrated about something lately and think that the problem is with Vaadin? Ok, we’d like to help you with that. Before we can make things better, we first need to know what you think. As a developer, what is your experience with Vaadin? We invite you to tell us, either through ...

Vaadin Pro available for students
The best way to learn to code is by coding. Vaadin is open source and free to use for any kind of web applications. In addition to this, we offer professional web developers Vaadin Pro, which adds more tools and components to increase productivity. We don’t want the price to prevent you from using ...

Meet us at CodeOne 2019
Vaadin 14 LTS was released just a while ago and next week will be one of the biggest yearly events to present that to you. We’re happy to meet you at Oracle CodeOne conference in San Francisco, September 15 - 19. Come and visit us at booth 3127 to say hello, try out Vaadin and grab a fresh copy of ...

Fixes for Firefox 67 regression issue
The Firefox 67 update, published on May 21, broke many web apps. The new Universal 2nd Factor API, now enabled by default, reserves a global variable called u2f. Updated Vaadin versions are now available. The new Universal 2nd Factor API may break especially applications using JavaScript ...