Category: Tutorials

Always-Listening Voice Commands for Vaadin web applications
Make your Vaadin web application more user-friendly and accessible with always-listening voice commands! With this quick 15-minute tutorial, you can integrate voice commands like "Alexa," "Hey Siri," and "Computer" into your application using the Picovoice Porcupine Wake Word Engine. Create a ...
How to build a ChatGPT assistant for your documentation
ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for development and learning. But only if it knows about the technology you're using. The problem with ChatGPT and many other Large Language Models (LLMs) is that they are only trained on data up to a certain date. Tools like Bing, Bard, and ChatGPT plugins allow ...
Building a Chatbot in Vaadin with OpenAI
Want to build a better version of ChatGPT? Here is how to use OpenAI's Chat completions API to add a robot participant to your Vaadin Flow chat app. Create a new chat app project Using the service at, create a new Vaadin application. There is a complete chat example template, but ...

Using VS Code with Java and Maven projects
Last updated April 2023. Java is one of many languages supported by Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Like most things in VS Code, Java support is extension based. You may need several extensions, depending on the project type and stack you are working with. You can find more detail in Java in Visual ...

Calling Java from JavaScript
Updated April 2023. In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to use Vaadin to call server-side Java code from client-side JavaScript code. All you need to follow this tutorial is a basic understanding of the Java Programming Language, the fundamentals of JavaScript, JDK 8 or later, and a ...

How to configure cidaas for Vaadin SSO Kit
There are good reasons to use Identity & Access Managers (IAM) with Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities in your applications. Users typically want to authenticate once with the SSO solution rather than reauthenticate with individual applications repeatedly. SSO saves time and improves the overall ...
Step-by-Step Guide to Sending Web Push Notifications from Vaadin Flow
Web push notifications are an effective way to keep users engaged with your web application even when they're not actively using it. They can be used to deliver real-time updates, reminders, and other important messages that can help improve user experience and increase user retention. Just be sure ...

Toggle between light and dark theme in Vaadin Flow
Updated to Vaadin Flow 24 on 2023-02-23 A common question we get from Vaadin developers is how to switch on the dark theme variant dynamically. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to turn it on permanently, and how to dynamically apply the dark variant to the entire application or only parts of it. ...
SessionScope vs. VaadinSessionScope - Which one should you use?
Dependency injection is magic, some say. It is magic, especially if you don’t understand what is happening behind the scenes. Vaadin developers have two almost identical scopes available for their beans: SessionScope (from Spring core) and VaadinSessionScope (from vaadin-spring). Picking the wrong ...