
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24.4 (pre))

Vaadin Legacy CDI Application with MPR & Flow

This step is needed if your Vaadin 7 or 8 application uses CDI. If it doesn’t, go back to the framework selection.

Updating to Correct CDI version

You need to remove any version from com.vaadin:vaadin-cdi since the compatible version for it is managed by the vaadin-bom. Instead, the pom.xml file should look like this:


Handling CDIUI Annotation

Instead of using @CDIUI, as shown below, use @Route and @CdiComponent.

public class TodoUI extends UI {
    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
        setContent(new HorizontalLayout());

Below is an example of how a replacement for what’s shown above might look:

public class TodoUI extends Div implements HasLegacyComponents {
    private void buildLayouts() {
        add(new HorizontalLayout());

Annotations in the UI, such as @Theme and @Title, are dealt with later in the tutorial. Most of them have similar counterparts in either Flow or MPR.

Handling CDI Views

Any @CDIView should be updated to a Flow Route by wrapping them as a MprRouteAdapter<? extends View> or re-writing them to be a Flow Component. See Upgrading Views to Flow Routes for more information on this.

Handling ViewScopes

All ViewScopes should be changed to RouteScopes. For example, @ViewScoped should be changed to @RouteScoped, and @NormalViewScoped changed to @NormalRouteScoped.

In some projects, CDI has ignored the archive and has not instantiated objects as expected. This is fixed by adding a beans.xml file — an empty file with this name is enough — to src/main/webapp/WEB_INF. Additionally, all Vaadin components that should be managed by the CDI container, should be annotated with @CdiComponent, or set bean-discovery-mode=all in beans.xml. However, this is not a recommended method.

The next step is Configuring UI Parameters.
