
Four strategies and best practices for successful app modernization

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
On Apr 16, 2024 5:03:00 PM

Cutting-edge applications are necessary to maintain a competitive edge in the post-COVID era. Users today expect lightning-fast load times, intuitive interfaces, and accessibility from any device at any time. Born-in-the-cloud companies can use everything from serverless to artificial intelligence and virtual reality to deliver the best user experiences.

But what about legacy business-critical applications? Many organizations have customer-facing and internal applications that they have used for decades to deliver core business services. Unfortunately, outdated architecture and technology are holding them back. Problems like security vulnerabilities, overloaded infrastructure, and performance limitations significantly impede organizational ability to innovate. Yet developing new solutions is not feasible, due to scale and cost challenges.

That’s where app modernization comes in. It bridges the gap between old and new by integrating modern functionalities in existing applications. 

This article explores the top four strategies for successful app modernization and some best practices to smooth the process.

What is application modernization, and why is it important?

Application modernization is the process of upgrading legacy applications to a cloud-first model. It can involve migrating application infrastructure to new platforms, code optimization for performance and scalability, or redesigning user interfaces. Through modernization, the application works better with new devices, cloud services, web technologies, and security processes. 

Organizations can:

  • Innovate and introduce AI-based enhancements for tasks like image processing, search, and analytics. 
  • Upgrade user experience and design to reduce friction so users complete tasks faster.
  • Remove security vulnerabilities and reduce risks.
  • Introduce new revenue sources or offer more value to existing customers.
  • Leverage the cloud's economies of scale to maintain a modern application architecture that is simple and cost-effective.

Technical debt refers to outdated technology challenges that build up over time and impede productivity. A Dell report estimates that 60-80% of an organization’s IT budget goes towards maintaining legacy apps. Modernization leads to long-term savings, especially if organizations consolidate platforms and embrace open-source software. They can increase business agility and respond faster to change.

Psst... Watch our recent webinar to learn how to automate the modernization process of your legacy Java applications and achieve modern, efficient results faster.

Common app modernization strategies

There are four primary approaches to app modernization. 

1. Rehosting

Rehost, or lift and shift, seeks solutions that require no application source code changes. The process usually involves moving the application from an on-prem data center to the cloud. For example, you may move your application from bare metal servers to AWS EC2 cloud instances or move from self-hosted Kubernetes to Amazon EKS. 


Rehosting typically relies on third-party tooling for success. Major cloud providers have built-in solutions to move applications to their environments. The process varies based on source and destination technologies. It also requires significant run-time support to ensure that the application continues to run as expected.


Rehosting is preferred when organizations want fast returns for minimal investment. Cost reduction and performance improvements are almost immediate. However, it is not a permanent solution to removing technical debt. It does not solve the challenges around user experience and productivity. Hence, it is typically the first, or “stop-gap”, solution, so the application keeps running for end users while it is modernized further. Engineers may also be able to reuse parts of the existing code for further optimization. 

2. Refactoring

Refactoring is making source code changes without affecting external application behavior. Instead, the focus is on improving component features and structure to remove technical debt and increase cloud compatibility. For example, you may replace certain code functionality with API calls or rewrite a specific feature to remove a security vulnerability. Refactoring sometimes includes replatforming, which is changing the technology of internal components—for example, you may swap an on-prem database with a cloud database service.


Refactoring requires developers to look at the existing application codebase with fresh eyes. They make the code more readable, usable, and bug-free. Changes are typically made in three broad areas:

  1. Source code refactoring, like fixing logic errors or increasing modularity.
  2. Database refactoring, like schema changes or replacing with a cloud database.
  3. User interface refactoring that changes the UI for consistency and enhanced usability.


Refactoring is preferred when the application is functionally robust and needs specific, definable improvements. It is also useful when most of the codebase is new, and only a few legacy components require change. Sometimes, it is another preliminary step in a larger app modernization project.

3. Rearchitect

Rearchitecting makes significant design changes so the application works optimally in the new environment. The goal is to take full advantage of cloud-native features by implementing a scalable, service-oriented framework that replaces current application code. Existing code may be reused, but the code structure changes significantly—for example, building microservices for each application functionality and containerizing them to reduce dependencies.


Developers initially focus on understanding the existing application’s functionality, performance requirements, and usage patterns. Next, they identify the new technologies and architectural patterns that will replace the existing ones. They may look at existing code modules, APIs, and overall design to identify areas of improvement. They make and test changes in the existing environment before moving to the new one. 


Rearchitecting is preferred when the goal is to migrate the application to a specific new platform, but the application is not optimally “ready” in its current state. It is also useful when the application functions well but performs poorly—for example, if it consumes too many resources or has hit maximum user capacity. 

4. Rebuild

Rebuild, as the name suggests, builds the application again to take best advantage of modern technologies. You don’t replace your application with a third-party SaaS offering. Instead, you use the existing application as a requirements blueprint. You then build it again using another programming language, new coding frameworks, or a new technology stack. If certain existing components are useful, you can rebuild the application by integrating new components with existing ones.


Rebuilding is a complex process of rethinking system logic configurations and business specifications. You must considerably change the system while keeping it in conformity with the old business requirements. Teams also change the application's look and feel for more modern user experiences. Rebuilding typically involves finding flexible yet customizable best-fit technologies. The goal is to align with the past while ensuring that the solution remains useful for the future.


Sometimes, teams start refactoring or rearchitecting but discover more complications. Rebuilding is then preferred, since rearchitecting does not solve the challenges. It allows teams to recreate while avoiding previous technical pitfalls. Rebuilding is also preferred if you can justify the cost in the long term. It is better to rebuild once than to refactor repeatedly as new challenges come up.

Comparison of a Java Swing UI before and after migrating to Vaadin.

Comparison of a Java Swing UI before and after migrating to Vaadin.

App modernization best practices

Before you and your team put together your app modernization roadmap, it’s essential to understand a few app modernization best practices that will likely be the foundation of your transition. 

Assess your application characteristics

There are two broad categories of applications. 

  1. Consumer-scale applications like e-commerce or social media.
  2. Enterprise-scale applications like CRM or health applications for hospitals.

These two types of applications have different modernization requirements. For example, consumer-scale applications require fast load times and intuitive user interfaces, while enterprise-scale applications require more reliability and accuracy. Understanding the application’s requirements drives future technical decisions and is critical for successful modernization.

Select the right team

Application modernization requires developers with a broad skill set. You want a team that specializes in both old and new technologies. For instance, you might need developers with experience in Java, JavaScript, Scala, and cloud technologies for Java app modernization. Insufficient team experience can delay the process and add to costs.

Plan for scale

It is a myth that moving to the cloud automatically makes applications more scalable. Cloud scalability typically takes the “horizontal” approach of adding more nodes. But that may not work if your application has single-point dependencies—like a validator API that checks every user request before serving it. A best practice is to identify and remove such bottlenecks in application design as part of the modernization process.

Include security from the start

App modernization may resolve existing security challenges but can also introduce new ones. Cloud providers typically follow a shared-responsibility model. Organizations are responsible for ensuring that cloud configurations are set up correctly and there are no exposed APIs for private data. Having security experts involved in app modernization projects from the start gives more favorable outcomes. 

Automate operations

DevOps and DataOps practices form the backbone of modernization efforts. They include setting up tools and technologies that automate day-to-day tasks, like integrating code changes, testing existing code, or cleaning data before integration. 

Tools like the Vaadin Modernization Toolkit can transform the modernization process by automatically converting a significant portion of the existing code—up to 80% in some instances. This shift allows developers to focus on refining and enhancing the application, rather than getting bogged down in repetitive tasks, helping your team accelerate their modernization efforts.

Java app modernization with Vaadin

Vaadin makes Java-based application modernization faster and easier using our two proven open-source frameworks and enterprise platform. Vaadin Flow is the only framework that enables developers to build full-stack web applications with a modern, intuitive UI entirely in Java. How Vaadin helps:

  • Rehosting—Vaadin achieves near-universal portability by leveraging W3C standards of HTML5 and Web Components, so your applications can run on any environment without too many changes.
  • Refactor, Rearchitect—Migrating to Vaadin gives you access to the server-side execution model based on Java to optimally capitalize on the JVM. Many compilers for languages are available for the JVM, so existing legacy code can be refactored and integrated with a Vaadin application with significantly less effort.
  • Rebuild—The Vaadin platform supports many application architecture patterns, so rebuilding even large applications entirely from scratch and maintaining them afterward is straightforward to plan and implement. 

The way forward

To learn more, download our white paper to discover a five-step path to a successful Swing-to-Web migration to boost developer productivity, innovation capabilities, and user experience.

Or, got questions? Don't hesitate to contact our team!

Lilli Salo
Lilli Salo
Lilli joined Vaadin in 2021 after delivering content for various international SaaS startups. She enjoys the creative challenge of transforming complicated topics into clear and concise written material that provide value to the reader.
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