Tag: Accessibility
In this blog, explore accessibility best practices in software development and learn how to prioritize inclusivity in your business application by leveraging Expert-On-Demand hours and Vaadin's Accessibility Review.

Always-Listening Voice Commands for Vaadin web applications
Make your Vaadin web application more user-friendly and accessible with always-listening voice commands! With this quick 15-minute tutorial, you can integrate voice commands like "Alexa," "Hey Siri," and "Computer" into your application using the Picovoice Porcupine Wake Word Engine. Create a ...

Basic Tips for Improving Accessibility
User Experience is a core value of the Vaadin team. This post is part of our series on UX in the Enterprise and highlights the importance of accessibility in building modern enterprise web applications. In this article we're going to go over some basic tips and tricks for improving the ...
Accessibility in Modern Enterprise Web Apps
The COVID-19 pandemic drastically sped up the world's digital transformation. Now, in many cases digital is the only channel through which customers can communicate with brands and companies. In addition, remote work is becoming a new norm and companies are waking up to the impact that web app ...