
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24.4 (pre))

AI Form Filler

Use ChatGPT to fill forms with a natural language input source.

AI Form Filler is an experimental feature that makes it easy to fill forms automatically from natural language input sources using ChatGPT technologies.

OpenAI ChatGPT is the large language model (LLM) model used by default with this feature. Any large language model can be adapted using the LLMService interface. See AI Models for more information.

Experimental Feature
AI Form Filler is an experimental feature. It may be removed, altered, or limited to commercial subscribers in future releases.
A diagram showing an empty form


AI Form Filler has the following features in this experimental preview:

Easy to Use; Works Out-of-the-Box

Built-in prompt engineering performs the job of generating a request containing the information related to the target components that works out-of-the-box for most cases. Once you’ve defined your form, only a couple of lines are required to use the Form Filler.

Context Instructions

API to add more context instructions for the AI module (e.g., target language, vocabulary explanation, source context).

Use these instructions to provide extra information to the AI module about the general context of the input source.

Component Instructions

API to add more component instructions for the AI module (e.g., field format, field explanation, field actions).

Use these instructions to give extra information to the AI module about a specific field when the built-in request or response of the form filler is not accurate enough.

Components Supported
  • Text Field

  • Email Field

  • Password Field

  • Number Field

  • Integer Field

  • BigDecimal Field

  • Date Picker

  • Time Picker

  • DateTime Picker

  • Text Area

  • Checkbox

  • Checkbox Group

  • Radio Button Group

  • Combo Box

  • MultiSelect Combo Box

  • Grid

Types Supported for Grid Columns
  • Date

  • LocalDate

  • Time

  • LocalTime

  • DateTime

  • LocalDateTime

  • Boolean

  • Integer

  • Long

  • Double

  • Float

  • String


Getting Started
How to start using the AI Form Filler to use ChatGPT to fill in forms.
AI Models
Explains the two built-in LLM implementations using ChatGPT services and how to implement a custom model.
API Reference
How to start using the AI Form Filler to use ChatGPT to fill in forms.
Advanced Example
An advanced example of how to use AI Form Filler.
Best Practices & Limits
A list of best practices and limitations of AI Form Filler.