Last call for Java Swing: The costs of tech debt are rising, and it’s time to modernize

 Learn why modernizing legacy Java Swing apps is crucial to cutting costs, enhancing security, and driving innovation.

Tech debt is a massive problem with consequences in store for societies, governments, and individual companies, from small business to enterprise. 

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IZUM's Migration from Java Swing to Vaadin Flow: Modernizing library operations from desktop-to-web

IZUM's migration from Swing to Vaadin: Modernizing library operations from desktop-to-web

Discover how IZUM's migration from Java Swing to Vaadin Flow modernized COBISS Lib by reusing over 90% of existing code and completing the transition in just two years. This update enhanced mobile support and web accessibility, setting the stage to modernize nearly 1500 Slovenian libraries by the ...
Application Modernization: 4 Can’t-Miss Tips for a Successful Transition

Four strategies and best practices for successful app modernization

Cutting-edge applications are necessary to maintain a competitive edge in the post-COVID era. Users today expect lightning-fast load times, intuitive interfaces, and accessibility from any device at any time. Born-in-the-cloud companies can use everything from serverless to artificial intelligence ...
An icon of a desktop screen on a purple background with the text

Upgrade your Java desktop app to the web with Vaadin Modernization Toolkit

Vaadin uses Java, and for that reason, it has been a popular choice for migrating Java desktop applications like Swing to the Web. Inspired by the experience of many organizations making the journey to Vaadin, we are pleased to introduce the latest innovation in our offering - the Modernization ...

6 factors to consider before modernizing your enterprise web app

Application modernization is a key element in an enterprise’s overall digital transformation strategy. A study by IBM found that modernizing existing applications and infrastructure is a top digital transformation goal for over 40% of IT decision makers. We sat down with our Migrations Lead, Ben ...
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The Power of UX in Enterprise Web Apps (Infographic)

Consumer-grade UX has become an expectation in enterprise web apps Complex enterprise apps with poor user experience (UX) can lead to costs such as reduced employee satisfaction and performance, not to mention the price of mistakes due to poor design. UX is not only limited to the user interface ...

The right approach for your application modernization

Are you thinking about how to approach your legacy application modernization project? If yes, you are not the only one. Gartner has been involved with thousands of application migration projects and in 2018 shared a free insight titled 7 options to modernize legacy systems. Gartner fans will recall ...
Swing to Vaadin Migration

Tools to Migrate Swing Applications to Web - Part 1

Automation can help make your migration faster and make you smarter before you start one. At Vaadin we’re working with Swing users to build tools that make the migration from Swing to Web easier to plan, cheaper, and of better quality all at once. We have two kinds of tools that have shown to be ...

Convert from Java Swing to a Vaadin web app | Vaadin

Migrating applications is hard. I think most readers to relate to that. Everyone who has undertaken the task of migrating an existing application that is used in production has undoubtedly faced many pain points in the process. Migrating from Swing and a single-user desktop UI to the web comes with ...