
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24.4 (pre))

Accessing Authentication Data

How to access authentication data on the server side, and how to transfer the data to the client.

Although authorization is defined at endpoint level (as described in the Security page), you may need to know specific authentication parameters, either in endpoint Java code or client-side code.

Accessing authentication data such as username and roles on the server side, as well as transferring the data to the client, is explained here.

Server Side Access

Security Principal

Hilla authenticates each server request and, if authentication is successful, associates the request with a Java security principal. You can get the authenticated user as a UserPrincipal from the current request. You can retrieve the current request using VaadinRequest.getCurrent(). Calling getUserPrincipal() for the request returns the authenticated user, or null if the request isn’t authenticated.

public class EchoEndpoint {
    public String saySomething(String message) {
        return VaadinRequest.getCurrent().getUserPrincipal().getName() + " says: " + message;

Client Side Authentication

Checking the Username

In TypeScript, there is no direct way to check whether the user is authenticated. However, you can expose a server-side endpoint that checks user privileges and returns the status.

The next example returns the username if the user is logged in; otherwise it returns the word anonymousUser:


public class MyAppEndpoint {

    public String checkUser() {
        Authentication auth =
        return auth == null ? null : auth.getName();
import { MyAppEndpoint } from 'Frontend/generated/MyAppEndpoint';

const username = await MyAppEndpoint.checkUser();

if ('anonymousUser' === username) {
   console.log('You are an anonymous user');
} else {
   console.log('Your username is: ' + username);

Checking Roles

A developer might want to check whether the user can access certain services, so that the appropriate options are enabled in the application menu.

The following example exposes a method that checks whether a user is an admin user.

public class MyAppEndpoint {

    public boolean isAdmin() {
        return true;
import { MyAppEndpoint } from 'Frontend/generated/MyAppEndpoint';

const isAdmin = await MyAppEndpoint.isAdmin().catch(() => false);

if (isAdmin) {
   console.log('You are an admin user');
} else {
   console.log('Sorry, you are not an admin user');