
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24.4 (pre))

Binding Arrays

Working with arrays using form binding API.

This page explains working with arrays when building TypeScript form views using form binding. Consider a form for a Java bean that has this structure:

 * Example bean with array field
public class Group {

    public Person[] getPeople() {

    public void setPeople(Person[] people) {

Repeating the Array Item Template

A common need when working with arrays is to iterate over the items and stamp a template for every item. With form binding, array models are iterable. You can iterate over the array model directly; there is no need to get the value of the array. When iterating over an array model, you receive a binder node for the child item, which provides the item model and value inside the loop.

Try using a repeat directive to loop through the items and stamp the item templates.

import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';

import { repeat } from 'lit/directives/repeat.js';

import { Binder, field } from '@vaadin/hilla-lit-form';

import GroupModel from '.../GroupModel';

class GroupFormView extends LitElement {
  binder = new Binder(this, GroupModel);

  render() {
    return html`
      ${repeat(this.binder.model.people, personBinder => html`
            label="Full name"

          <strong>Full name:</strong>

Adding & Removing Array Items

To append or prepend a new item to an array, use the appendItem() method on the array binder node:


By default, the new item values are empty. You can optionally specify the new item value as an argument:

this.binder.for(this.binder.model.people).appendItem({fullName: 'Jane Doe'});

To remove an item, use the removeSelf() method on the item binder node:


The following example demonstrates adding and removing array items with the form view template:

class GroupFormView extends LitElement {
  // ...

  render() {
    return html`
      ${repeat(this.binder.model.people, personBinder => html`
            label="Full name"

          <vaadin-button @click=${() => personBinder.removeSelf()}>

        @click=${() => this.binder.for(this.binder.model.people).appendItem()}