
CGI automated routine tasks in social and health care

Alexandru Chiuariu
On Dec 23, 2020 8:41:00 AM

ITTE is a self-service solution for health and social care. The solution enhances and automates customer registration throughout the customer journey and provides information and guidance. The solution automates the routine tasks of professionals, allowing them to focus more on their core tasks. ITTE’s user-centered design ensures that up to 100% of the daily registrations can be done on kiosks or mobile devices.

Updating the platform to support new UIs

The UI of ITTE was initially written in Vaadin 6 and hasn’t been updated much in the last couple of years. In collaboration with the service design team from CGI Next, and in close collaboration with the company’s customers, CGI created new designs for ITTE to improve the user experience. The issue, however, was that CGI could not implement these designs using the current Vaadin 6 implementation.


Enhancing the UX & UI through migration

In collaboration with Vaadin Experts, CGI decided to redo the UI layer from Vaadin 6 in a later Vaadin version (Vaadin 8 and Vaadin 12). Newer Vaadin versions provide the latest technologies that are needed for CGI’s improved designs. The new features on the roadmap are also implemented with newer Vaadin versions, such as mobile features and a dashboard solution. The development is done with in-house expertise. The Vaadin Experts assisted the internal team in the most important design considerations so that CGI could implement the designs flawlessly and in a time-efficient way using Vaadin.

Vaadin played an important role for us in developing user-friendly solutions that match the future vision of our customers.

- Jeffrey Fink, Product Owner

The Vaadin 8 architecture is based on a technology stack that includes Java 8, Vaadin 8 and Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 7. CGI builds large well-structured Java web applications in a modular manner, using Vaadin and various Java EE technologies such as CDI, EJB, JPA, and JAAS. The UIs are built using the Vaadin Designer tool, as well as the Vaadin Material add-on. Additionally, the Vaadin CDI add-on helps integrate Vaadin with Java EE.

Improved developer experience & end-user satisfaction

CGI’s customers are very satisfied with the solution, and Vaadin plays an important part in this high customer satisfaction, because of the solution’s improved UI and usability. ITTE keeps expanding and is in use by tens of customers on an international level. Thousands of registrations are done every day with ITTE. The company’s developers also like to work with the latest Vaadin versions in their day-to-day work.

Alexandru Chiuariu
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