Masaaki Tsugami on developing a collaborative tool for Instagram contests

In January 2023, we hosted a Collaboration Kit challenge for the Vaadin community. The goal was to use the Collaboration Kit to design or build a web application with real-time user collaboration. In this blog post series, we take a closer look at the winning applications!

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Designing a collaborative enterprise project management tool with Matija Vojvodic

In January 2023, we hosted a Collaboration Kit challenge for the Vaadin community. The goal was to use the Collaboration Kit to design or build a web application with real-time user collaboration. In this blog post series, we take a closer look at the winning applications! Meet Matija Vojvodic – ...
Vaadin Collaboration Kit challenge winner Roman Kovarík

Building a real-time collaborative page editor with Vaadin

In January 2023, we hosted a Collaboration Kit challenge for the Vaadin community. The goal was to use the Collaboration Kit to design or build a web application with real-time user collaboration. In this blog post series, we take a closer look at the winning applications! Meet Roman Kovarík! He is ...
Feature image for real-time collaborative web apps for work blog

Use Vaadin to Build Real-Time Collaborative Web Apps for Work

The digitization of customer and supply-chain interactions, as well as internal operations, has been accelerated by three to four years as a swift response to COVID-19. Companies have been pushed beyond the technology tipping point, fundamentally changing the way business is done today. The era of ...
Feature image for Real-time Collaboration in Web apps for work

Why Real-time Collaboration is Essential in Web Apps for Work in 2021

Companies are becoming increasingly distributed around the globe and some are switching entirely to remote work. COVID-19 only accelerated the move towards a more digital and interconnected way of working. The jump to a predominantly online workplace calls for a solution that empowers cross-border ...
Collaboration Engine card image

Implement Chat for your Flow app

Users can now chat with each other, in real time, with the latest Collaboration Engine (CE) update. The current roster of CE features enables users to see each other, work together without experiencing save conflicts and with the latest additions, and engage in discussion. CE, including chat, is ...
Collaboration Engine has a free tier now

Introducing a new free tier for Collaboration Engine

When we first announced the launch of Collaboration Engine last year, we received an overwhelming response from our community. Scores of developers were eager to try building real-time collaboration features into their Vaadin apps with just a few lines of code. Until today, Collaboration Engine was ...

A sneak-peek at the future of Vaadin’s real-time collaboration features

Last Thursday saw the unveiling of our initial release of Vaadin’s new collaboration feature, which allows developers to rapidly build real-time form editing features directly into Vaadin applications, with only a few lines of code. A stable, beta version of the feature is currently available on ...
Collaborative web apps

An introduction to real-time collaboration in business critical applications

(Part 1 of 4) Many businesses are looking beyond geographic borders to procure the best workforce, customers, vendors and partners. In other words, organizations are becoming increasingly more distributed as they conduct business across the globe. This means that online workflows (the sequence of ...