Tag: Components

Many application development teams struggle with UI inconsistencies, both in terms of UI design and UI implementation. According to the Enterprise UX Industry Report for 2017–2018, consistency is the number one challenge reported by enterprise UI designers.

Vaadin 18 brings enhancements for Fusion and Flow
Today we released Vaadin 18. It contains new component features and enhancements for Fusion and Flow. New and enhanced components Avatar and AvatarGroup The new Avatar and AvatarGroup components display the user’s avatar image or their initials in a colored circle. Additionally, you can create a ...

New component features and development-time improvements in Vaadin 14
The latest feature update for Vaadin 14 includes much-requested component features and development-time improvements. Read on for more about the improved Dialog, pnpm build tool, DateTimePicker component and other new features. The features described in this post are available today in 14.2.0 and ...

Vaadin 14.2 feature update is in beta
The latest feature update for Vaadin 14 is in beta. The update includes the most-wanted new component features. Read on for more about the new DateTimePicker component, dialog features, and improvements to the layout API. In addition, Vaadin 14.2 introduces several developer-experience ...

A new series of fact sheets on Vaadin and its features
It’s been almost 20 years since Vaadin began helping developers build performant, user-first Java web applications. Things have changed a lot since then. To give new (and returning) users an overview of Vaadin’s features, we are releasing a series of free fact sheets outlining the different parts ...
What happened to Vaadin Elements?
One of the changes introduced with the Vaadin 10 beta release is that there is no longer a separate product called Vaadin Elements. We now call them Vaadin components. You can find them at vaadin.com/components. Backstory: why there were Elements in the first place The development of our set of Web ...
Check out the new Vaadin Directory
Vaadin Directory has served us well as the place to look and install extra components for Vaadin. To better serve the open source community and developers, we just made a complete overhaul of Directory’s user interface to focus on ease of use - and of course to modernize the look and feel. ...
Vaadin's frontend direction
There has been some discussion about what the recently announced Vaadin 10 platform means in the context of GWT. I'll summarise some background about the direction we're taking here. I want to bring up two central themes: component models and freedom of choice. Component models UI development ...