Tag: Design-system

Many application development teams struggle with UI inconsistencies, both in terms of UI design and UI implementation. According to the Enterprise UX Industry Report for 2017–2018, consistency is the number one challenge reported by enterprise UI designers.

Why Good UX Design is Great for Business
Amidst today’s global digital transformation, consumers are spoilt for choice in apps. They are used to the amazing design found in consumer-facing apps where corporations have large budgets to spend on polishing every view to perfection. A high-quality UX is simple, intuitive and makes the final ...
Try the new documentation site
Comprehensive technical documentation goes hand-in-hand with open-source software. Vaadin has grown significantly since its original release. With recent additions, such as Fusion, Collaboration Engine, and Design System, the documentation for the product and its features required a scalable ...
The business case for adopting a design system
Design systems have exploded in the business software community in recent years. Back in 2018 the Enterprise UX Industry Report 2017/ 2018 indicated that 69% of enterprise user experience (UX) teams had adopted one. Today, this camp includes many household (and boardroom) names, including Shopify, ...

Design systems and standards-based Web Components
Design systems become more important as applications grow in complexity and in number. Scalable, reusable and modular code, along with compatible visual assets, are key when organizations build multiple apps for different purposes, but still wish to maintain a level of consistency throughout their ...

A better way to build UIs: An introduction to design systems
Design systems are in vogue. Many well-known companies, from Shopify to Google, use them to ensure consistency in their products and efficiency in their product development. Done right, a design system can be a tremendous help to application developers and designers alike. Unfortunately, the ...

3 megatrends shaping the future of enterprise business web applications
Enterprise web applications have increased in prominence for companies across the board. In some sectors, well-established industry leaders face increasing competition from disrupters who only conduct business online. The days when your web assets become more valuable than your physical assets do ...

Vaadin 15 and beyond: An insider's look at Vaadin's future
Vaadin has been on a two-decade long quest to provide developers with the cutting-edge tools and the DX they need to build UX-focused web applications that users love. Today, the Vaadin platform is a leading option for mission-critical enterprise Java web-application development. Our platform is ...