Vaadin Designer is a visual WYSIWYG tool for creating Vaadin UIs and views by using drag&drop and direct manipulation. With features such as live external preview and a strong connection between the HTML and the Java code, it allows you to design and layout your UIs with speed and confidence.
Vaadin Designer works with both Vaadin 10 designs and Vaadin Framework 8 designs. Check the Framework 8 documentation for more information about designs and their declarative format.

Vaadin Designer is used to create a HTML file that defines a UI, or part of a UI. Such a HTML file is called a design.
For a design, Vaadin Designer can create and update a Java file known as the companion file. The companion file exposes elements of the design to Java and provides a way to bind data between Java and the UI defined in the design.
A design can be the whole UI or (more commonly) a smaller part of the UI, such as a view or its sub-component. A UI or view can contain many designs.