
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24.4 (pre))

Installing WebDrivers

How to install the proper, browser-specific WebDriver for tests.

Each browser requires a browser-specific WebDriver to be set up before tests can be run. If you’re creating a Maven project, consider using the automated WebDriver plugin. It automatically downloads the drivers you need. See for an example.

If you want to install the drivers, most of them are available through the package manager (such as, brew or apt-get). You can also manually download and install the following drivers:

Safari drivers are pre-installed on Macs and don’t need to be manually installed.
The WebDriver version is often tied to the browser version. You need to make sure that the combination is a supported one. For example, ChromeDriver 2.35 only supports Chrome 62–64.

Adding WebDriver to System Path

The driver executable must be included in the operating system PATH or be given to the test using a driver-specific system Java property:

  • Google Chrome:

  • Mozilla Firefox: webdriver.gecko.driver

  • Microsoft Edge: webdriver.edge.driver

Usually, it’s simpler to add it to the PATH variable so that it’s always available.
