Author: Johannes Häyry
A pioneering developer of pumps for the processing industry
Turo Italia has manufactured industrial pumps and valves for many different processing industries for over 50 years. The company is part of the Egger group that has a sales network with global reach. The pumps conform to the demanding quality standards and operating requirements for gasses, powders, and liquids containing large irregular solids. In 2016, the Egger group decided to grow their market share in the African continent. Turo Italia took charge of this new and challenging goal. Since then their sales have doubled.

Vaadin online training courses and certifications are now free
To end 2020 on a positive note, we are happy to announce a free gift for all Vaadin developers. We are unlocking all our online training courses and certification exams, and making them available for everybody for free. All registered users of our website can now access our previously-paid training ...

Vaadin 18 brings enhancements for Fusion and Flow
Today we released Vaadin 18. It contains new component features and enhancements for Fusion and Flow. New and enhanced components Avatar and AvatarGroup The new Avatar and AvatarGroup components display the user’s avatar image or their initials in a colored circle. Additionally, you can create a ...

Faster dev-mode startup in Vaadin 14.4
Vaadin 14.4 is the latest long-term support (LTS) version of the Vaadin platform. This new version features faster startup in development mode, live reload for frontend changes, and an API to show helper text in form input components. Faster dev-mode startup The development-mode server now runs in ...

Vaadin 17 includes a major Vaadin Charts upgrade
We released a major upgrade for Vaadin Charts as part of Vaadin 17. Read on to learn about the Java API for styling, new chart types, and how to upgrade. Java API to style charts returns The Java API to style charts is back in Vaadin 17! In Vaadin 8, it was possible to style charts using only Java, ...

Vaadin 17 is packed with data binding improvements
Vaadin 17 is the latest milestone release (see our release model), it brings new features and enhancements to both server-side views and client-side views. Read about the Grid data binding improvements, new chart types, and form binding API for client-side views. For the rest of the release ...

Future of HTML templates in Vaadin
Late last year, we announced that we are gradually moving away from Google's Polymer JavaScript library in favor of the far more lightweight and performant LitElement library. The next LTS, which is currently targeted for the latter half of 2021, will make Polymer optional for HTML templates. Using ...

Enabling Live Reload in Vaadin 14.3
Vaadin 14.3 ships with a new Live Reload feature that lets you see your UI changes in the browser without a manual refresh. It is automatically enabled in development mode and does not require any browser plugins. Read on to get started with Live Reload with JRebel, HotswapAgent, or Spring Boot dev ...

New component features and development-time improvements in Vaadin 14
The latest feature update for Vaadin 14 includes much-requested component features and development-time improvements. Read on for more about the improved Dialog, pnpm build tool, DateTimePicker component and other new features. The features described in this post are available today in 14.2.0 and ...