Unlocking the Value Of Legacy Applications

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Keeping a web application up-to-date is a big challenge for any organization; technologies age, new platforms emerge, customer requirements change, and the standards for a great UX evolve. Modernization efforts are often catalyzed by a combination of these factors.

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How a Vaadin Migration Assessment works: A Case Study

In this article, we look at an actual Migration Assessment case that Vaadin expert Jean-Christophe Gueriaud and I recently completed for a customer in Germany. I review the different steps and offer behind-the-scenes insight into how these projects work. The case covers a typical 2-week assessment ...

How to Measure Migration Effort with Migration Assessment

Desktop or Web applications based on deprecated technologies tend to become more expensive to maintain, are no longer supported, or simply have a drop in performance that pushes users away. Most often, the solution is to migrate to a modern platform that can ensure that your business Web ...

Ways to Extend Vaadin 7 App Support

As many of you have already noticed from our roadmap, we will discontinue the free support of Vaadin 7 after February 2019. During the history of Vaadin, we have always supported two major versions in parallel, or at least five years from the initial release date. This holds for Vaadin 7 too, which ...