
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Polymer support is deprecated. Use Lit templates instead.

Combining Templates & Binders

Polymer support is deprecated; use Lit templates instead.

Polymer support has been deprecated since Vaadin 18 (released in November 2020), in favor of faster and simpler Lit templates. The built-in support for Polymer templates has been removed and is only available as a commercial add-on. However, a free conversion tool is available to assist in converting Polymer templates to Lit.

Read more about setting up the commercial Polymer templates addon in the Upgrade Guide.

Creating the Template Component

The first step is to create the JavaScript Polymer template and its mapped Java class.

The example shows how to create the user-form JavaScript Polymer template:

import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import '@vaadin/checkbox';
import '@vaadin/form-layout';
import '@vaadin/text-area';
import '@vaadin/text-field';
import './form-buttons-bar.js';

class UserForm extends PolymerElement {
  static get template() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-form-layout id="form">
        <vaadin-text-field id="email" label="Email (login)" colspan="2"></vaadin-text-field>
        <vaadin-text-field id="first-name" label="First Name"></vaadin-text-field>
        <vaadin-text-field id="last-name" label="Last Name"></vaadin-text-field>
        <vaadin-text-area id="comments" label="Comments"></vaadin-text-area>
      <form-buttons-bar id="action-buttons"></form-buttons-bar>

  static get is() {
    return 'user-form';

customElements.define(, UserForm);

This example is creating the mapped UserForm Java template class:

public class UserForm extends PolymerTemplate <UserForm.FormComponentModel> {

  private TextField email;

  private TextField firstName;

  private TextField lastName;

  private TextArea comment;

  private FormButtonsBar actionButtons;

Creating & Linking the Binder

Creating the Main View

First, create the MainView Polymer template component. This component displays a grid of users and the new UserForm component. For the grid, use the Vaadin Grid component.

Here is the result:


In this example, you can see how to create the main-view JavaScript Polymer template:

import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import '@vaadin/grid';
import './user-form.js';

class MainView extends PolymerElement {
  static get template() {
    return html`
      <div id="main-container">
        <vaadin-grid id="users-grid"></vaadin-grid>
        <user-form id="user-form"></user-form>

  static get is() {
    return 'main-view';

customElements.define(, MainView);

In the example here it’s creating the mapped MainView Java template class:

public class MainView extends PolymerTemplate<TemplateModel> {

    private UserForm userForm;

    private UsersGrid usersGrid;
