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Securing Plain Java Applications

Describes how to use the built-in security helpers in a plain Java application.

As described in the enabling security chapter, Vaadin Flow comes with built-in security helpers that are most convenient to implement with Spring Boot and Spring Security. Although it’s recommended to use Spring Security, it isn’t mandatory.

This chapter describes how to use Vaadin Flow’s built-in security helpers in a plain Java project.

Separate instructions are available for Spring Boot and Spring Security.

If yours is a Spring Boot project, then it’s highly recommended to follow the instructions provided in the enabling security chapter.

Vaadin built-in helpers enable a view-based access control mechanism that uses the @AnonymousAllowed, @PermitAll, @RolesAllowed, and @DenyAll annotations on view classes to define the access control rules. By default, any view without an annotation is secured; it acts as if it had the @DenyAll annotation.

To enable and use this mechanism, the following should be added to a plain-Java Flow application (if it doesn’t exist already):

  • A security realm.

  • A log-in view.

  • Log-out capability.

  • A VaadinServiceInitListener that adds ViewAccessChecker as the BeforeEnterListener of all UIs.

  • A Service Provider under META-INF/services to load above the custom ServiceInitListener via the Java Service Provider Interface (SPI) loading mechanism.

Configuring a Security Realm

A security realm is a mechanism for storing and mapping users to their passwords and roles. Configuring a security realm depends on the application server you are using to run the Vaadin application. For example, if you use Apache Tomcat or TomEE, follow Realm Configuration How-To.

Handling User Log In and Log Out

You can handle log-in and log-out in many ways. The same applies to getting the authenticated user for a request. The view-based access control implementation in Vaadin uses getUserPrincipal() and isUserInRole(String) in HttpServletRequest to check whether the currently authenticated user has access to the view. You need a way to provide the user information in the request.

The following example uses the currently active Vaadin servlet request. It shows how to:

  • check whether the user is currently authenticated to the application. The request isn’t available in background threads, so the isAuthenticated() method shows authentication state only in Vaadin request processing threads, otherwise it always returns false;

  • authenticate the user with the given credentials. The authenticate() method fails if it’s called from a background thread;

  • log the user out by invalidating the HTTP session and redirecting to the home page.

public class SecurityUtils {

    private static final String LOGOUT_SUCCESS_URL = "/";

    public static boolean isAuthenticated() {
        VaadinServletRequest request = VaadinServletRequest.getCurrent();
        return request != null && request.getUserPrincipal() != null;

    public static boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
        VaadinServletRequest request = VaadinServletRequest.getCurrent();
        if (request == null) {
            // This is in a background thread and we can't access the request to
            // log in the user
            return false;
        try {
            request.login(username, password);
            return true;
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            // login exception handle code omitted
            return false;

    public static void logout() {

Adding the Log-in View

Having a log-in view is one of the basic requirements of many authentication and authorization mechanisms. It serves to redirect anonymous users to that page before granting access to view any protected resources.

public class LoginView extends VerticalLayout implements BeforeEnterObserver,
        ComponentEventListener<AbstractLogin.LoginEvent> {

    private static final String LOGIN_SUCCESS_URL = "/";

    private LoginForm login = new LoginForm();

    public LoginView() {



        add(new H1("Test Application"), login);

    public void beforeEnter(BeforeEnterEvent beforeEnterEvent) {
        if (beforeEnterEvent.getLocation()
            .containsKey("error")) {

    public void onComponentEvent(AbstractLogin.LoginEvent loginEvent) {
        boolean authenticated = SecurityUtils.authenticate(
                loginEvent.getUsername(), loginEvent.getPassword());
        if (authenticated) {
        } else {

In this example, Vaadin’s Login Form component is used for the sake of brevity. However, feel free to implement your own log-in view, if you wish.

Log-Out Capability

You typically let the user log out by using a log-out button. The following example shows a basic implementation of a log-out button shown on the header of the main layout:

public class MainLayout extends AppLayout {

    public MainLayout() {
        H1 logo = new H1("Vaadin CRM");
        HorizontalLayout header;
        if (SecurityUtils.isAuthenticated()) {
            Button logout = new Button("Logout", click ->
            header = new HorizontalLayout(logo, logout);
        } else {
            header = new HorizontalLayout(logo);

        // Other page components omitted.


Adding VaadinServiceInitListener

To restrict access to views, a BeforeEnterListener must be registered for the VaadinService to initialize and enable the ViewAccessChecker:

import com.vaadin.flow.server.ServiceInitEvent;
import com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServiceInitListener;
import com.vaadin.flow.server.auth.ViewAccessChecker;
import org.vaadin.example.views.login.LoginView;

public class ViewAccessCheckerInitializer implements VaadinServiceInitListener {

    private ViewAccessChecker viewAccessChecker;

    public ViewAccessCheckerInitializer() {
        viewAccessChecker = new ViewAccessChecker(); // (1)
        viewAccessChecker.setLoginView(LoginView.class); // (2)

    public void serviceInit(ServiceInitEvent serviceInitEvent) {
        serviceInitEvent.getSource().addUIInitListener(uiInitEvent -> {
            uiInitEvent.getUI().addBeforeEnterListener(viewAccessChecker); // (3)

This code contains some notable components of the view-based access control mechanism:

  1. ViewAccessChecker, which is at the core of this access control mechanism, is instantiated. It’s enabled by default.

  2. The LoginView class is set to the viewAccessChecker instance. Now it knows where to redirect unauthenticated users.

  3. The viewAccessChecker instance is set as the BeforeEnterListener in the overridden serviceInit() method. Now it’s ready to intercept attempts to enter all views.

However, this class still needs to be loaded, so you should follow the instructions in the next step.

Enable Loading of VaadinServiceInitListener

To enable the Java SPI loading mechanism to load the ViewAccessCheckerInitializer as the VaadinServiceInitListener, do the following:

  • Under the resources/META-INF/services directory, create a file named exactly:

  • Put the fully qualified name of the ViewAccessCheckerInitializer into this newly created file. For example, if the ViewAccessCheckerInitializer class is in the package, the following value should be in the file:

This Service Provider configuration file triggers the Java SPI loading mechanism to load ViewAccessCheckerInitializer during application startup. For more information on this, see VaadinServiceInitListener.

Access Annotations

Before some access annotation examples, it’s worth having a closer look at the annotations, and their meaning when applied to a view:

  • @AnonymousAllowed permits anyone to navigate to the view without any authentication or authorization.

  • @PermitAll allows any authenticated user to navigate to the view.

  • @RolesAllowed grants access to users having the roles specified in the annotation value.

  • @DenyAll disallows everyone from navigating to the view. This is the default, which means that, if a view isn’t annotated at all, the @DenyAll logic is applied.

Some usage examples:

@Route(value = "", layout = MainView.class)
@PageTitle("Public View")
public class PublicView extends VerticalLayout {
    // ...
@Route(value = "private", layout = MainView.class)
@PageTitle("Private View")
public class PrivateView extends VerticalLayout {
    // ...
@Route(value = "admin", layout = MainView.class)
@PageTitle("Admin View")
@RolesAllowed("ROLE_ADMIN") // <- Should match one of the user's roles (case-sensitive)
public class AdminView extends VerticalLayout {
    // ...

Now, if the application is started by navigating to http://localhost:8080, PublicView contents should be available without any authentication. However, by navigating to http://localhost:8080/private or http://localhost:8080/admin, the user is redirected to the specified LoginView.

If the user is already authenticated and tries to navigate to a view for which they have no permission, an error message is displayed. The message depends on the application mode:

  • In development mode, Vaadin shows an Access denied message with the list of available routes.

  • In production mode, Vaadin shows the RouteNotFoundError view, which shows the Could not navigate to 'RequestedRouteName' message by default. For security reasons, the message doesn’t say whether the navigation target exists.

The following example shows how the security annotations are inherited from the closest parent class that has them.

public abstract class AbstractAdminView extends VerticalLayout {
    // ...

@Route(value = "user-listing", layout = MainView.class)
@PageTitle("User Listing")
public class UserListingView extends AbstractAdminView {
    // ...

Annotating a child class overrides any inherited annotations. Interfaces aren’t checked for annotations, only classes. By design, the annotations aren’t read from parent layouts or "parent views", as this would make it unnecessarily complex to determine which security level should be applied. If multiple annotations are specified on a single view class, the following rules are applied:

  • DenyAll overrides other annotations

  • AnonymousAllowed overrides RolesAllowed and PermitAll

  • RolesAllowed overrides PermitAll

However, you shouldn’t specify more than one of the above access annotations on a view class. It’s confusing and probably has no logical purpose.
