Tag: Vaadin-platform
A smooth application development process is essential for delivering a high-quality product that meets the needs and expectations of its users. Whether you are developing, modernizing, or operating applications, a Vaadin Technical Success Manager is your expert guide to the efficient use of Vaadin technology, ensuring your projects stay on track.
A new series of fact sheets on Vaadin and its features
It’s been almost 20 years since Vaadin began helping developers build performant, user-first Java web applications. Things have changed a lot since then. To give new (and returning) users an overview of Vaadin’s features, we are releasing a series of free fact sheets outlining the different parts ...
Year in Review from a Fresh Vaadiner’s Perspective
As another year of fighting for simplicity nears its end, we’re taking a look back at what we have done in 2018 and what the future holds in store for us. Even though I’ve joined the Vaadin team quite recently, I had the chance to witness some of the following developments first-hand. Read on to ...
Vaadin 12 Brings New Components and Improved Performance
Vaadin 12 adds a bunch of new components, a couple of significant performance improvements, a Material Design theme option and many other small improvements and bug fixes. Vaadin 12 is an incremental release and a recommended update as we are making progress towards the next LTS version, to be ...
Vaadin 10 on the road
Vaadin 10 coming to a user group near you When Vaadin 8 came out, we decided to go around the world and visit Vaadin, frontend and Java user groups to show and tell how to leverage the new features in practice. Now, we are doing it again. Vaadin 10 marks the next era of Vaadin. At the same time, we ...