Tag: Webinar

In the fast-paced world of software development, efficiency and simplicity often dictate a project's success. This is why many Java developers have chosen Vaadin. With Vaadin, you can use a single language and execute your code in a single execution environment to create compelling web UIs.

Securing Vaadin apps with Spring Security
Getting security right is critical when building web apps. The upside of building a web app is that people can use it wherever they are, on any device. But you need to ensure that only the right people are able to access it, and that they have access to only the features you intended. In this ...

LitElement 3.0 and lit-html 2.0 webinar with Justin Fagnani
Justin Fagnani, Google software engineer, and creator of lit-html, joined us for a Vaadin webinar in which he presented the new and exciting releases of LitElement 3.0 and lit-html 2.0. You can find the full recorded webinar on Youtube or continue reading for a written summary. Thank you Justin ...
Should frontend developers define endpoint APIs?
In this webinar, Leif Åstrand, Product Architect here at Vaadin, discussed the complexities of building modern web applications. He challenged the notion that endpoint APIs should be managed by backend development teams, by making the case for the Backends for Frontends (or BFF) pattern. You can ...
Web performance webinar with Tracy Lee
We kicked off this year with a webinar presentation on improving web application performance by Tracy Lee. Continue reading for the highlights and an overview of the presentation or watch the full recording on Youtube. A big Thank You to Tracy Lee for holding this webinar! Who is Tracy Lee? Tracy ...
Brace yourself, webinars are coming
As most of you have probably seen, we started a new series of webinars about Vaadin last spring. We had webinars about Vaadin Touchkit, the official Vaadin certification and even had time to squeeze in one for the release of Vaadin 7.1. The best way to check out all our webinars is to subscribe to ...